Donate to support the campaign

Your Health Your Choice has already successfully opened doors in Canberra. This year so far we have seen proposed bans against the sale of natural medicines in pharmacies rejected and a TGA Bill supporting traditional medicines passed. However, very real threats to your right of choice in healthcare remain. The Federal Government has announced it will cut private health insurance rebates for natural therapies next year and Labor wants to introduce a natural therapies tax. Your Health Your Choice is a voice for the consumer and practitioner in protecting the future of natural healthcare as anti-complementary medicine lobby groups continue in their attempts to influence healthcare policy. Donations go towards funding the costs of the campaign which is now the largest of its kind in Australia.
$11,401.02 donated
155 Donors

Your Donation
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Are you one of the 2 in 3 people that use traditional medicine and natural therapies to complement your health needs?

Add your voice to the growing community of people that wish to protect their right to access these therapies. Let’s send Government a clear message.


people signed

We’ll keep you updated about the campaign. For more information please see our About us page.